Welcome, Learn More More than 18 years businesses in Cambodia, L.M GROUP is a private limited company incorporated and legal private limited company of the Kingdom of Cambodia. L.M GROUP L.M International Trading specializing in petroleum supply in Cambodia LM Group - International Trading Find out more L.M Transportation We assist you with road haulage for your cargo from the suppliers to consumer and the high responsible for your products. LM Group - Transportation Find out more L.M Import & Export We export Cambodia agriculture product, and import many products from abroad. LM GROUP - Import & Export Find out more

Recent News

Cambodia considers floating plant from Turkey to...

Representatives of Electricite Du Cambodge are planning a trip to Turkey to discuss bringing a floating power plant that will help the nation cope with the current energy crisis,...

Cambodia first Expressway project to break ground...

Construction of Cambodia’s first ever expressway, linking Phnom Penh to Preah Sihanouk province, starts today, with a groundbreaking ceremony presided over by Prime Minister Hun...

Cambodia Container traffic sees solid growth

Container traffic at Cambodia’s main ports increased significantly in 2018, according to port authorities.

Our Business Alliances

LM Group - International Trading

L.M International Trading is a great company specializing in power and energy in Cambodia.

LM Group - Transportation

L.M MST Transportation provides wide variety of transportation vehicle with high responsibility for the safety of your cargo.

LM GROUP - Import & Export

Currently, L.M Import & Export export Cambodia’s agricultural product and import high quality tire from Japan.

Career Opportunities